Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Zucchini, Here We Come!

Newly Planted Zucchini
The summer planting has begun, and what better way to start than with zucchini, the quintessential symbol of summer bounty. Last year lots of folks told us they prefer the "regular" green zucchini. Well, your voice has been heard. We've planted our first row of dark green zucchini and put in some yellow crookneck too, for your wild side. By the way, the row marker is made of a sliced up yogurt container, an idea I gleaned from Stone Lake Farm.

Our potato mounds are off the hook! I am happy to report they have fully recovered after the light frost a couple weeks ago that blackened their leaves and sent me into a panic.
Healthy Potato Mounds

Gal putting together irrigation systems

Beautiful weeds. Ooops, I mean wildflowers. Does anyone know what these are?

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