Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Fall Crops are Planted

Our fall field is almost completely planted now and ready to grow. Many of the plants are growing under shade cloth because it's still too hot during the day for them. However, they really benefit from being planted when the days are still long. Fall crops are similar to spring crops, and we are trying again with a couple things that didn't turn out so well in the spring, like brussels sprouts and cauliflower. We've also expanded our planting area (and hopefully our harvests) for peas, garlic, and kohlrabi.
Overview of the fall field

Plants growing in a shade cloth tunnel (the hose is drip irrigation tape)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Corn is coming!

Corn time is here.
 It looks like this week will be our first week of corn! The peppers, eggplant, and okra are starting to come in too.

Things are getting very busy on the farm as we are reaching the height of the summer harvest season and getting ready for fall at the same time. This week we finished tilling (turning) the soil in our fall field and started planting fall crops like spinach, peas, salad greens, etc. 
Tilling the fall field to prepare for planting.
The artichokes are finished with their season and are blooming. Does it look like a thistle to you? If so, it's with good reason. They are in the same family. The artichokes we eat are actually immature flower buds.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Back to my Farming Roots

We took a quick trip last weekend back to my (Michelle's) hometown in rural northeast Pennsylvania. One of the best parts was getting to visit a childhood friend and stay on her family's farm. I spent a tremendous amount of time on this rural homestead as a kid riding horses, swimming in the creek, picking strawberries, and camping in the woods. This farm was undoubtedly a major influence in my life, and planted the seeds for the eventual One Acre Farm.
(Not our farm). This is the farm in PA where Michelle spent much of her childhood.

Taking a walk around the farm during a break in summer rainstorms.
We were glad to find after our long weekend away that everything was still doing okay back on our lovely little farm. Here's what it's looking like these days:
Back on One Acre Farm

Monday, August 1, 2011

New Subscription Options + Fall Planting

It feels like summer is just getting started, but we're thinking ahead to fall. We've started seeding trays full of broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, leeks, and more. We're also going to try for a fall harvest of potatoes, too. This weekend we replanted our potato mounds, with the help of our friend Krista.

Krista planting the fall potatoes
In other news, we are excited to announce that we are now offering a variety of CSA subscription options. This is in direct response to the feedback of our members, some of whom wanted more veggies, some less, and some said it's just right as-is. Whether you are subscribing for the first time or renewing, you are welcome to choose from one of these options:
  • Standard, same as it is now: $25/week, weekly delivery, 8-10 items, minimum 4-week ($100) subscription.
  • Option #1, the healthy way to “supersize it”: For an extra $12 per month, we will give you a larger portion of any produce we have in abundance. $28/week, weekly delivery, 8-10 items + extras as available, minimum 4-week ($112) subscription.
  • Option #2, every-other week: $25/week, bi-weekly delivery, 8-10 items, minimum 8-week ($100) subscription.
  • Option #3, small: $20/week, weekly delivery, 5-6 items, minimum 4-week ($80) subscription.